呼喚 Calling
悠悠炎黄曾辉煌,The long history of Yan-Huang (1) was once glorious
巍巍神州源流长,The origin of the divine land (2) traces back to the very ancient
铁锤砸碎民族梦,The nation抯 dream was smashed by an iron hammer
一旦尽毁赤龙掌。Everything was ruined at the hand of red dragon overnight
长城内外冤魂唱,Inside and outside of the Great Wall, restless souls sing the unfairness
黄河上下英灵荡,Lost souls wander along the Yellow River
痛失儿女八千万,80 million of fellow Chinese were lost
年年岁岁祭国殇。We commemorate the death of the nation every year
父老乡亲细思量,Dear fellow Chinese please think carefully
深重苦难怎能忘,How can we forget about the heavy sufferings?
半个世纪血与泪,After half a century of blood and tears
旧痕未愈添新伤。New wounds emerge before the old ones are cured
中共心黑似豺狼,The Chinese Communist Party is as brutal as a wolf
欺世惑众巧伪装,It cheats the world by its masquerades
九评剥下花花衣,The Nine Commentaries tear apart its fancy mask
共产邪灵何处藏。The evil communist specter has nowhere to hide
天灭中共邪灵亡,Per Heaven抯 mandate, the evil specter is going to die
迎来纪元新曙光,The new era is approaching with dawn lights
退出中共脱枷锁,Quit the Chinese communist party and get ride of its shackles
清算中共乾坤朗。Per the liquidation of the Chinese communist party, the heaven and earth will be clear again.